Welcome to Mum & Little Ones Ltd.
  1. You're asked to supply genuine and exact data whereas you're making an account on Mum &
    little Ones. This will guarantee that the orders can be affirmed and conveyed without any
  2. It must moreover be caught on that ought to anything whereas you're logged into your Mum &
    little Ones account, you're planning to be exclusively dependable.
  3. Under no circumstances are you allowed to take information such as account names, email
    addresses or any contact information of such kind for your commercial benefit.
  4. When you register on Mum & little Ones, you will receive a ‘User ID’. No one else is allowed
    to access Mum & little Ones using your log-in credentials. It is your responsibility to make
    sure that no one gets access using your credentials. However, please do not hesitate to inform
    us if anyone is trying to gain access using your USER ID without authorization.
  5. Each deal comes with a specific set of terms. You would learn about those terms when you
    decide to buy that particular deal.
  6. Vouchers or coupons that are offered on Mum & little Ones will not be compensated with cash
    or if it is collected through other second or third-party sources.
  7. Neither there will be any refund when one wants to regain the part of the voucher that has been
    paid for, nor there do any refund for the promotional part of the voucher.
  8. One cannot combine the vouchers with any other coupons or promotions unless it has been
    specified in the voucher.
  9. We at Mum & little Ones will not take any responsibility should there be a case of lost or stolen
    vouchers or voucher reference numbers. However, in such cases, the merchant can provide the
    service to the person who produces the coupon first.
  10. Any sort of duplication, sale or trade of a voucher is strictly forbidden.
  11. We have the rights to determine if the contents that you have submitted are in accordance
    with our principles and if it complies with our terms of services or not. Nonetheless, we also
    bear the right to put an end to your account, with or without prior notice.

Develop By Microtech Interactive Ltd.